Constitution Nov 2023

1. Name & Location
1.1 The Name of the Clubs shall be Dunstable Hunters Pickleball Club and Silsoe Hunters Pickleball Club hereafter referred to as ‘the Clubs’. These are 2 separate clubs working in partnership with each other under the umbrella of the Hunters.
1.2 The location of the clubs will be the Dunstable Centre, Court Drive, Dunstable, LU5 4JD and Silsoe Community Sports Centre, Chestnut Ave, Silsoe, MK45 4GP.

2. Membership 
2.1 Membership of the Clubs shall be inclusive and open to all.
2.2 The Clubs shall have at least 4 members each. All members are required to pay a membership for the year. A minimum membership fee for the year, 1st March to last day of February each year, was set at £12 by the members at the inaugural meeting on 2nd March 2023. Future fees will be proposed for member’s consideration as per para 5.7 below.
2.3 All members are encouraged to be members of Pickleball England, the governing body for Pickleball in the United Kingdom. Currently this is at no charge. Registration numbers should be entered on membership forms.
2.4 All members must consent to the holding of relevant information for the purposes of complying with current data protection legislation.
2.5 Members must abide by the Code of Conduct and Safety & Etiquette guidance documents.
2.6 All applicants for membership must complete and sign the official annual clubs membership form.
2.7 When representing the Clubs, members are to be encouraged to wear club apparel.
2.8 Members are strongly advised to join the WhatsApp group and will be required to join the Spond App for busy sessions.

3. Aims & Objectives
3.1 To create inclusive clubs for members to enjoy the positive health, exercise and social benefits of the sport of Pickleball.
3.2 To promote, encourage and facilitate the playing of the game in the region of Bedfordshire, surrounding areas and amongst the community.
3.3 To ensure that any surplus funds are to be used solely for the promotion of Pickleball, club equipment, members training and club social events.
3.4 To strengthen the bonds of friendship among Members and enabling mutual recognition in their dealings with each other. 

4. Sport equity 
4.1 Sport Equity Principles: The Clubs are committed to promoting and upholding the principles of sport equity. Sport equity encompasses fairness, inclusivity, and the removal of barriers that prevent individuals from participating fully in the sport of pickleball. The Clubs acknowledges the importance of providing equal opportunities and a welcoming environment for all members, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, disability, religion, or any other protected characteristic.
4.2 Non-Discrimination: The Clubs shall not discriminate against any individual on the grounds of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, disability, religion, or any other protected characteristic, in accordance with applicable equality legislation. Discriminatory behaviour, including harassment, is strictly prohibited within the Clubs, and all members are expected to treat one another with respect and fairness.
4.3 Diversity and Inclusivity: The Clubs actively seeks to create a diverse and inclusive membership that reflects the wider community. We aim to provide a supportive and inclusive environment where all members feel valued and can participate fully in pickleball activities, regardless of their background or abilities. We encourage the active engagement of underrepresented groups and individuals with disabilities in our sport.
4.4 Equal Opportunities: The Clubs are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all members to participate in pickleball, access coaching and training, compete in tournaments, and take on leadership roles within the Clubs. Any barriers to participation or advancement shall be identified and addressed, ensuring that all members have a level playing field.
4.5 Accessibility: The Clubs shall strive to make its facilities, events, and communications accessible to all members. We will take reasonable steps to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities, ensuring that they can fully engage in our activities.
4.6 Education and Awareness: The Clubs will provide education and training to its members and officials to promote awareness of sport equity principles and to prevent discrimination and bias within the pickleball community.
4.7 Reporting and Resolution: The Clubs shall establish clear procedures for reporting and addressing incidents of discrimination or harassment. Any complaints related to violations of sport equity principles will be taken seriously, thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions will be taken in accordance with the Clubs policies and legal requirements.
4.8 Continuous Improvement: The Clubs are committed to continuous improvement in promoting sport equity. We will regularly review and assess our policies and practices to ensure alignment with the principles of fairness, inclusivity, and non-discrimination.

5 Committee
5.1 The Clubs shall have a committee consisting of at least the following, a committee member can have more than one role.
Director/Chairman : responsible for overall running of the clubs and chairing committee meetings. 
Director/Club Secretary: responsible for correspondence, note taking and membership records.
Treasurer: responsible for finance control.
5.2 The role of the committee is to manage all aspects of the Clubs administration. Planning activities, buying equipment, and administering other Club matters that must satisfy members.
5.3 Any vacancy within the committee shall be filled from the ordinary membership and agreed by the committee.
5.4 Any person who has ceased to be a member of the committee is eligible for re-election at any future time.
5.5 No member of the committee or any of the ordinary membership shall receive remuneration from the committee in money or monies worth with the only exception of out-of-pocket expenses. 
5.6 The committee will meet at least once a year. This may be in person or via Zoom or Teams.
5.7 The committee shall from time-to-time review and propose changes to the Annual Subscription (if agreed) and the Clubs session fees payable by the members.
5.8 To be able to apply (at 12mths) and remain as a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) membership must remain under £1612 pa (based on 52 attendances per year) and any member unable to pay more than £520 per year on membership would have the remainder free of charge.

6 Finances
6.1 The financial year shall run from 1st March to the last day of February each year.
6.2 The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of the committee. All incoming funds shall be lodged without deduction into the Club’s bank account. All monies raised by or on behalf of the committee shall be applied to further the object of the Clubs and for no other purpose. All cheques etc. relating to the Club’s bank account shall be signed by any 2 designated signatories, who must be committee members.
6.3 Accounts will be published to all members annually. 
6.4 Insurance shall be in place for all members at home or away whilst playing in a club organised event. A registration sheet shall be completed for each session played at home.
6.5 Funding: The Clubs shall be funded through membership fees, Subs, fundraising activities, donations, and any other legal means, with appropriate financial reporting and transparency, in accordance with financial regulations. Each clubs finances will be kept separate. 
6.6 Membership fees, Subs & introduction to pickleball fees will be set at the AGM and can only be changed throughout the year to reflect any changes in hire prices from the sports centre(s).
6.7 Silsoe will be a cashless club and all sessions will be booked via the Spond App.
6.8 Club leaders courses that will benefit the club(s) can be subsidised up to 50%. Further courses like coaching qualifications will not.
6.9 Club leaders, Coaches & the Treasurer will be paid for their time when undertaking club tasks, such as ‘Introduction to Pickleball Classes’ and weekly accounting, as they have developed this skill, and it will benefit the club(s). The fee will be set at each AGM.
6.10 The committee can form a WhatsApp group for decisions to be made remotely. Any committee member at any time can request a meeting in person should they feel the topic requires it. A vote will then be taken to confirm. No more than 1 meeting will take place per month, with the exception of EGM's or AGM's.
6.11 Financial Management: The committee shall be responsible for managing the Club’s finances, keeping accurate records, and presenting financial reports to members at the AGM, complying with financial and accounting standards.
6.12 Any failings with the Club finances will be the sole responsible of the Club Directors.

7. Meetings
7.1 Annual General Meeting (AGM): The Clubs shall hold an AGM once a year, during which committee elections and other important matters shall be discussed, following statutory notice requirements and procedural guidelines.
7.2 General Meetings: General meetings may be called by the committee or upon the request of at least 20% of existing members. The request shall be in Writing to the Committee and shall state the general nature of the business to be dealt with. Members shall be notified 21 days in advance in respect to the date and place of a General Meeting.
7.3 Quorum: The quorum for General Meetings shall consist of 3 members.

8. Amendments
8.1 Amendments: Changes to this constitution may be proposed by any member and shall require a majority vote at a general meeting, including the AGM, for approval, following legal procedures and requirements. 
8.2 Suggestions for changes are to be submitted by email to the Club Secretary no later than 14 days before a meeting.

9. Rules of Procedure
9.1 Voting: every matter, except where this constitution provides otherwise, shall be determined by a majority of members present and voting. In the case of equal votes, the Chair of the meeting shall have the casting vote.
9.2 Minutes: minutes of all meetings shall be kept and formally adopted.

10. Alterations to the constitution
10.1 Any alterations of this constitution shall receive the assent of no less than two-thirds of the members present and voting at an AGM or special meeting, provided that the secretary has received such notice of any alteration in writing no less than 14 clear days before the meeting at which the alteration is proposed. 

11. Discipline & Appeals
11.1 Disciplinary Procedures: The Clubs recognises the importance of maintaining a safe, respectful, and enjoyable environment for all members. To uphold these standards, the Clubs may implement disciplinary procedures when necessary.
11.2 Behavioural Expectations: All members are expected to adhere to the Club’s code of conduct & Etiquette guidance documents, which outlines the expected standards of behaviour during pickleball activities, events, and interactions within the Clubs. Violations of these documents may result in disciplinary action.
11.3 Disciplinary Actions: The Clubs may take various disciplinary actions in response to violations of its code of conduct or other rules and regulations. These actions may include, but are not limited to, verbal warnings, written warnings, suspension from the Clubs activities, or expulsion from the Clubs, depending on the severity and frequency of the violation.
11.4 Fair and Transparent Process: When disciplinary actions are considered, the Clubs shall ensure that the process is fair and transparent. Members subject to disciplinary action shall have the opportunity to be heard, present their side of the situation, and provide evidence if applicable.
11.5 Appeals: Any member who believes they have been subjected to unfair disciplinary action may appeal the decision. The appeals process will typically involve a review by an impartial committee or individual not involved in the initial decision.
11.6 Appeals Committee: The Clubs shall establish an Appeals Committee responsible for reviewing and adjudicating appeals. This committee shall consist of individuals who have not been directly involved in the disciplinary process under appeal.
11.7 Appeals Procedure: The appeals procedure shall include clear steps and timelines for submitting appeals, the review process, and the communication of appeal outcomes. Decisions of the Appeals Committee shall be final and binding.
11.8 Confidentiality: The Clubs shall maintain strict confidentiality throughout the disciplinary and appeals process, protecting the privacy of all parties involved.
11.9 Protection Against Retaliation: The Clubs prohibits retaliation against any member who submits a complaint, cooperates in an investigation, or participates in the appeals process.
11.10 Record Keeping: The Clubs shall keep records of all disciplinary actions, appeals, and related documents in accordance with data protection laws and regulations.
11.11 Educational Approach: The Clubs recognises the importance of education in fostering positive behaviour. Whenever possible, disciplinary actions will be accompanied by opportunities for education and growth to help members understand and correct their behaviour.

12. Dissolution
12.1 The Clubs may be dissolved by a resolution passed by a majority of members present and voting at a special meeting convened for the purpose.
12.2 Any assets remaining after the settling of any debts and liabilities shall be applied towards charitable bodies or Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) within Bedfordshire which has similar aims to those of the committee. Such charitable bodies or CASC to be decided and approved by the aforesaid majority. 

13. Declaration
13.1 We certify that this is a current copy of the constitution of Dunstable Hunters Pickleball Club and Silsoe Hunters Pickleball Club Committee, which was adopted at an annual general meeting. Held Downside Community Centre on 29th November 2023. 

Constitution Mar 2023

Replaced with Nov 2023

1. Name & Location

1.1 The Name of the Club shall be Dunstable Hunters Pickleball Club hereafter referred to as ‘the Club’.
1.2 The location of the club will be the Dunstable Centre, Court Drive, Dunstable, LU5 4JD.

2. Membership
2.1 Membership of the Club shall be inclusive and open to all.
2.2 The Club shall have at least 4 members. All members are required to pay a membership for the year. A minimum membership fee for the year, 1st March to last day of February each year, was set at £12 by the members at the inaugural meeting on 2nd March 2023. Future fees will be proposed for member’s consideration as per para 5.7 below. 
2.3 All members are encouraged to be members of Pickleball England, the governing body for Pickleball in the United Kingdom. Currently this is at no charge. Registration numbers should be entered on membership forms.
2.4 All members must consent to the holding of relevant information for the purposes of complying with current data protection legislation.
2.5 Members must abide by the Code of Conduct and Safety & Etiquette guidance documents.
2.6 All applicants for membership must complete and sign the official annual club membership form. 
2.7 When representing the Club, members are to be encouraged to wear club apparel. 

3. Aims & Objectives 
The aims and objectives of the Club shall be:
3.1 To create inclusive club for members to enjoy the positive health, exercise and social benefits of the sport of Pickleball.
3.2 To promote, encourage and facilitate the playing of the game in the region of Bedfordshire, surrounding areas and amongst the community. 
3.3 To ensure that any surplus funds are to be used solely for the promotion of Pickleball, club equipment, members training and club social events.
3.4 To strengthen the bonds of friendship among Members and enabling mutual recognition in their dealings with each other. 

4. Sport equity 
4.1 Sport Equity Principles: The Club is committed to promoting and upholding the principles of sport equity. Sport equity encompasses fairness, inclusivity, and the removal of barriers that prevent individuals from participating fully in the sport of pickleball. The Club acknowledges the importance of providing equal opportunities and a welcoming environment for all members, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, disability, religion, or any other protected characteristic.
4.2 Non-Discrimination: The Club shall not discriminate against any individual on the grounds of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, disability, religion, or any other protected characteristic, in accordance with applicable equality legislation. Discriminatory behaviour, including harassment, is strictly prohibited within the Club, and all members are expected to treat one another with respect and fairness.
4.3 Diversity and Inclusivity: The Club actively seeks to create a diverse and inclusive membership that reflects the wider community. We aim to provide a supportive and inclusive environment where all members feel valued and can participate fully in pickleball activities, regardless of their background or abilities. We encourage the active engagement of underrepresented groups and individuals with disabilities in our sport.
4.4 Equal Opportunities: The Club is dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all members to participate in pickleball, access coaching and training, compete in tournaments, and take on leadership roles within the Club. Any barriers to participation or advancement shall be identified and addressed, ensuring that all members have a level playing field.
4.5 Accessibility: The Club shall strive to make its facilities, events, and communications accessible to all members. We will take reasonable steps to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities, ensuring that they can fully engage in our activities.
4.6 Education and Awareness: The Club will provide education and training to its members and officials to promote awareness of sport equity principles and to prevent discrimination and bias within the pickleball community.
4.7 Reporting and Resolution: The Club shall establish clear procedures for reporting and addressing incidents of discrimination or harassment. Any complaints related to violations of sport equity principles will be taken seriously, thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions will be taken in accordance with the Club policies and legal requirements.
4.8 Continuous Improvement: The Club is committed to continuous improvement in promoting sport equity. We will regularly review and assess our policies and practices to ensure alignment with the principles of fairness, inclusivity, and non-discrimination.

5 Committee
5.1 The Club shall have a committee consisting of at least the following:
Chairman : responsible for overall running of the clubs and chairing committee meetings.
Secretary: responsible for correspondence, note taking and membership records.
Treasurer: responsible for finance control.
A committee member can have more than one role.
5.2 The role of the committee is to manage all aspects of the Clubs administration. Planning activities, buying equipment, and administering other Club matters that must satisfy members.
5.3 Any vacancy within the committee shall be filled from the ordinary membership and agreed by the committee.
5.4 Any person who has ceased to be a member of the committee is eligible for re-election at any future time.
5.5 No member of the committee or any of the ordinary membership shall receive remuneration from the committee in money or monies worth with the only exception of out-of-pocket expenses. 
5.6 The committee will meet at least once a year. This may be in person or via Zoom or Teams.
5.7 The committee shall from time-to-time review and propose changes to the Annual Subscription (if agreed) and the Club session fees payable by the members. 

6 Finances
6.1 Funding: The Club shall be funded through membership fees, fundraising activities, donations, and any other legal means, with appropriate financial reporting and transparency, in accordance with financial regulations.
6.2 Financial Management: The committee shall be responsible for managing the Club finances, keeping accurate records, and presenting financial reports to members at the AGM, complying with financial and accounting standards.

7. Meetings
7.1 Annual General Meeting (AGM): The Club shall hold an AGM once a year, during which committee elections and other important matters shall be discussed, following statutory notice requirements and procedural guidelines.
7.2 General Meetings: General meetings may be called by the committee or upon the request of at least 20% of existing members. The request shall be in Writing to the Committee and shall state the general nature of the business to be dealt with. Members shall be notified 21 days in advance in respect to the date and place of a General Meeting.
7.3 Quorum: The quorum for General Meetings shall consist of 3 members.

8. Amendments
8.1 Amendments: Changes to this constitution may be proposed by any member and shall require a majority vote at a general meeting, including the AGM, for approval, following legal procedures and requirements. 
8.2 Suggestions for changes are to be submitted by email to the Club Secretary no later then 14 days before a meeting.

9. Rules of Procedure 

9.1 Voting: every matter, except where this constitution provides otherwise, shall be determined by a majority of members present and voting. In the case of equal votes, the Chair of the meeting shall have the casting vote.
9.2 Minutes: minutes of all meetings shall be kept and formally adopted. 

10. Finance 

10.1 The financial year shall run from 1st March to the last day of February each year.
10.2 The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of the committee. All incoming funds shall be lodged without deduction into the Club’s bank account. All monies raised by or on behalf of the committee shall be applied to further the object of the Club and for no other purpose. All cheques etc. relating to the Club’s bank account shall be signed by any 2 designated signatories, who must be committee members.
10.3 Accounts will be published to all members annually. 

11. Alterations to the constitution
11.1 Any alterations of this constitution shall receive the assent of no less than two-thirds of the members present and voting at an AGM or special meeting, provided that the secretary has received such notice of any alteration in writing no less than 14 clear days before the meeting at which the alteration is proposed. 

12. Discipline & Appeals
12.1 Disciplinary Procedures: The Club recognises the importance of maintaining a safe, respectful, and enjoyable environment for all members. To uphold these standards, the Club may implement disciplinary procedures when necessary.
12.2 Behavioural Expectations: All members are expected to adhere to the Club code of conduct & Etiquette guidance documents, which outlines the expected standards of behaviour during pickleball activities, events, and interactions within the Club. Violations of these documents may result in disciplinary action.
12.3 Disciplinary Actions: The Club may take various disciplinary actions in response to violations of its code of conduct or other rules and regulations. These actions may include, but are not limited to, verbal warnings, written warnings, suspension from club activities, or expulsion from the club, depending on the severity and frequency of the violation.
12.4 Fair and Transparent Process: When disciplinary actions are considered, the Club shall ensure that the process is fair and transparent. Members subject to disciplinary action shall have the opportunity to be heard, present their side of the situation, and provide evidence if applicable.
12.5 Appeals: Any member who believes they have been subjected to unfair disciplinary action may appeal the decision. The appeals process will typically involve a review by an impartial committee or individual not involved in the initial decision.
12.6 Appeals Committee: The Club shall establish an Appeals Committee responsible for reviewing and adjudicating appeals. This committee shall consist of individuals who have not been directly involved in the disciplinary process under appeal.
12.7 Appeals Procedure: The appeals procedure shall include clear steps and timelines for submitting appeals, the review process, and the communication of appeal outcomes. Decisions of the Appeals Committee shall be final and binding.
12.8 Confidentiality: The Club shall maintain strict confidentiality throughout the disciplinary and appeals process, protecting the privacy of all parties involved.
12.9 Protection Against Retaliation: The Club prohibits retaliation against any member who submits a complaint, cooperates in an investigation, or participates in the appeals process.
12.10 Record Keeping: The Club shall keep records of all disciplinary actions, appeals, and related documents in accordance with data protection laws and regulations.
12.11 Educational Approach: The Club recognises the importance of education in fostering positive behaviour. Whenever possible, disciplinary actions will be accompanied by opportunities for education and growth to help members understand and correct their behaviour.

13. Dissolution
13.1 The Club may be dissolved by a resolution passed by a majority of members present and voting at a special meeting convened for the purpose.
13.2 Any assets remaining after the settling of any debts and liabilities shall be applied towards charitable bodies or Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) within Bedfordshire which has similar aims to those of the committee. Such charitable bodies or CASC to be decided and approved by the aforesaid majority.

14. Declaration

14.1 We certify that this is a current copy of the constitution of Dunstable Hunters Pickleball Club Committee, which was adopted at an inaugural meeting. Held at 14 Apollo Close Dunstable Bedfordshire LU54AQ on 2nd March 2023. 


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