Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of
The Hunters Pickleball Club
Held on Tuesday, 26 November 2024, at 7pm, in Dunstable
Present: Committee Members
Rex Ellis (RE)
Trudie Ellis (TE)
Martin Herbert (MH)
Julie Jones (JJ)
Liz Jones (LJ)
Apologies: Jocelyne Newman, Heather Aylward
Club Members: Neil Hunter (NH)
Gillian Jones (GIJ)
Geoffrey Jones (GJ)
Martin Lynch (ML)
Trudy Smithers (TS)
Sarah Watkin (SW)
Minutes taken by Sarah Watkin.
1. Welcome and Introductions – RE
a) RE welcomed everyone to the Meeting.
b) The Minutes of the AGM held on 29 November 2023, were confirmed as a true record by LJ and seconded by JJ.
2. Summary and review of AGM – TE
b) TE mentioned that the AGM and Constitution are currently online, and it is the intention to keep everything online and accessible, and in the WhatsApp group.
c) Currently there are 210 members. 40 were lost at the last renewal.
d) Appledown Dog Rescue was approved as the new charity to be adopted by the Club.
3. Finance – RE
a) Accounts – on the spreadsheet provided to attendees ahead of the meeting, RE ran through the Treasurer’s report, outlining items purchased in order to run the clubs: the annual cost of the Liability insurance; equipment bought such as paddles, nets and balls; and court fees. The Club balance, as of 26 November 2024 is £11,112.27, and the funds available to spend are £1,763.67. The Club drive has the full breakdown.
b) Membership fees – The Hunters additional £3 membership fee, where not reduced, are to go to the new charity, Appledown Dog Rescue. The Committee voted in favor of this proposal.
C) 3 Counties 2025 events – 8 of the 10 events will be held at Dunstable. 2 in St Albans. 1 of the Dunstable months may go to Halton Tennis Club if the price is right. All profits will be spilt 50/50 with PbE, our share will all go to our nominated charity.
d) Cranfield – 2 courts will be kept at this site, for Saturdays. The first Saturday of each month will be 4 courts, for the Deaf players.
4. Name and Address change for the Bank Account – TE
a) The Club Directors have changed address and therefore the Club bank account needs to be changed.
RE proposed that, as there are four Clubs, the Dunstable Hunters Pickleball Club should change its name to The Hunters; and then commonly known as The Hunters. The Committee voted in favor of this proposal.
5. Any Other Business
a)Treasurer’s hourly rate increase – RE, the Treasurer, stated that the UK minimum wage is currently £11.44 per hour, increasing to £12.21 per hour in April 2025. It was noted that RE spends many hours on this duty, but will only be paid for 1 hour per week at each Club. It was proposed that this wage be increased to £12.50 per hour. The Committee voted in favor of this proposal.
b) Club Secretary’s Wage - RE proposed that the Club Secretary, who works many hours each week for the Club and should have a wage also. Paid at £12.50 per hour, for 1 hour per week at each club. The Committee voted in favor of this proposal.
c) All Clubs to go cashless – RE proposed for this to take place from 1 January 2025. The Committee voted in favor of this proposal.
d) Members’ safety – TE said it was a Club priority to safeguard members’ safety, and in particular children. TE said it was important for all members to approach and even challenge non-members by clarifying: are you a guest?; have you played before, have you attended the introductory course?; have you completed the joining application form?; and so on. Also to provide help and guidance when needed. Guests will be booked on to Spond and their name messaged to the group.
e) Session Leaders’ Group – TE requested a leaders’ WhatsApp group and diary, to help with planning. This will only be for Thursday and Saturday sessions to help with the smooth running, health/safety and keeping play balanced between good and lesser skilled players. Martin Lynch (ML) and Neil Hunter (NH) offered to be leaders and attend a leader’s course.
f) Annual Membership Cost – RE felt this should stay at £15, with a reduction to £12 if the member joined Pickleball England, Scotland and Wales & NI. LJ raised the subject of rising costs relating to the purchase of equipment such as court hire, balls, nets, and so on. GJ and NH queried the £12 subscription; GJ suggesting that the Club is already heavily committed to helping charitable causes. As of 1 March 2025, TE proposed a £20 subscription, with a reduction to £17 if the member joined Pickleball England, Scotland and Wales & NI. The Committee voted in the majority of this proposal, 1 person abstained.
g) Member yearly costs – TE proposed that new members joining in January or February, will pay for the next FY year and therefore get January and or February at no extra charge. There will still be one free session, for those members who join following an Introduction session. The Intro price should remain at £10. The Committee voted in favor of this proposal.
h) Club Session fees – RE and TE said that the £6 charge should remain the same.
i) Intro sessions – RE and TE said that there should be a maximum of between 6 and 8 players for these Introduction sessions, with one court dedicated to the Intro, with the last thirty minutes requiring two courts. LJ requested the latest Intro dates, and was proposed to head up the 9 January session. The date and day of the introduction sessions is at the discretion of the Club Secretary.
j) Clubs/Members’ restriction – there are no restrictions on movement, and players are able to use all Clubs.
k) Chairman and Treasurer posts – RE was voted in again to perform these offices.
l) Committee Roles - All other roles where voted back in.
m) New Committee Members – Jocelyne Newman – Silsoe Rep, Heather Aylward – Safeguarding lead, Neil Hunter – Deputy Safeguarding, and Martin Lynch – Committee member, were welcomed as new Committee Members.
n) Club artwork – Alex Ellis was thanked for all the artwork he has provided for The Hunters.
o) Flitwick sessions – GIJ raised the subject of Flitwick sessions and TE mentioned that a session had been removed and this was an ongoing problem.
Meeting closed at 8PM
Sign to be a true record on the AGM
R R Ellis……………………. Trudie Ellis……………………………. Original Signed
AGM Minutes taken by Toni Boyer.
Minutes of the Inaugural meeting held on the 2 March 2023 have been confirmed as a true record.
Confirmed by…Rex Ellis… Seconded by……Trudie Ellis…..
Committee Members: Rex Ellis, Trudie Ellis, Toni Boyer, Martin Herbert, Liz Jones, Julie Jones, Claire Molin, Nick Pomery, Trudy Smither, Tim Snodgrass, Bryan Whalley (with Interpreter Sally).
Members: Barbara Bellamy, Bob Bellamy
Apologies received from the following Committee Members: Luke O’Connell, Alex Ellis, Renato Natale.
1. WELCOME - Rex Ellis (RE) welcomed all to the meeting.
Explaining the formation prior to new members/committee additions.
Sally may need a break from signing for Bryan
Fire door left and right
Toilets on the right
Constitution is currently online. We plan on keeping everything online and accessible online and in the Whatsapp group.
2. CONSTITUTION – Trudie Ellis (TE) proposed the following for our clubs constitution.
a) Appointment to the key roles of the committee
b) Agreement to continue banking with Metro bank
c) Agreement that the bank will be controlled by the Treasurer and Club Secretary
d) Agreement that the bank will need both the Treasurer and Club Secretary to sign each cheque. Both parties will be a joint signatory
e) Agreement to continue using the Spond App
f) Agreement that busy sessions will need to be booked in advance via the Spond App
g) Agreement that Silsoe will be solely on the Spond App and a cashless club due to location.
h) Agreement that the annual fee be set at £12 and to run from the 1 March each year
i) Agreement that there is no discount for periods of less than one year
j) Agreement that the subs be set at £4 for less than 2-hour sessions and £5 for 2-hour sessions, only subject to change if the court hire fees change. Times are ‘session times’ not ‘attendance time’.
k) Agreement that the introduction to pickleball fees be set at £10 per person and a free first session thereafter
l)Agreement to be able to register as a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) at the 12 months stage of starting, membership must remain under £1612 pa (based on a 52 attendances per year) and any member unable to pay more than £520 per year on membership would have the remainder free of charge. Currently our max membership is £272, and we comply with these rules
m) Agreement that all club members can vote at an AGM and EGM
n) Agreement that the Treasurer will be paid minimum wage (£10.42) for 1 hour work on each club per week
o) Agreement that the introduction to pickleball sessions pay for class II coaches at £30, Class I coaches at £25 and/or Club Leaders at £20 per hour
p)Agreement that the Club Leaders course fees will have a 50% contribution paid for by the club funds. These are usually in the region of £30-£50 per course
q) Agreement that the committee can form a WhatsApp group for decisions to be made remotely. Any committee member at any time can request a meeting in person should they feel the topic requires it. A vote will then be taken to confirm if a meeting is required. No more than 1 meeting will take place per month
All attendees in Favor Yes/No. Against Yes/No.
Proposer…Toni Boyer… Seconded by…Liz Jones……..
3. UPDATE ON PROGRESS (RE) We have now been running our pickleball club here in Dunstable for over 8 months, since the 16 March 2023. We started playing 1 hour on Thursdays and 2 hours on Saturdays at the Dunstable Centre. With 7 players during the first week.
Not knowing if we had just committed ourselves to paying for courts that were sat empty. Working out the difficulties our sports hall had, from short ends of the court, litter from previous session users, lack of storage and very little availability to book courts at the times and on the days we wanted. Double bookings by the centre staff. Many frustrating tasks faced us, and we battled on.
We did look at alternative sports halls, and with the higher prices of other halls and the impending rebuild of Houghton Regis Sports centre, and the fact that they are not rebuilding a sports hall, we took it upon ourselves to make the most of the centre we have.
So, what has changed since that first week?
We have our own nets, club paddles, balls, and a ball machine for all to use.
We have storage, finally.
We arrange training courses for those who want them.
We have now joined partnership with Silsoe.
We have gone from 7 members to 118 at the last count.
We offer 4 sessions a week at Dunstable, total of 24 court hours per week.
We offer 3 sessions a week at Silsoe, another 11 court hours per week.
Our members have entered various events around the country, from Festivals, Tournivals & Inter club leagues to The English Open (with over 1000 competitors) and the English Nationals (with over 600 competitors).
We have our first medal winner from the English Nationals; Renato Natale winning Bronze medal in the 60+ 3.0 Singles.
All these achievements are because we have so many great members, that not only know it is not my club, it is also not Trudie’s club, these clubs belong to its members, all of you, we thank you all for making it so great.
Club balance, as of 28 Nov 23 is £164.14, Assets £2137.05 Total £2301.19
All attendees in Favor Yes/No. Against Yes/No.
Proposer…Rex ELLIS… Seconded by……Julie Jones…..
(TE) The court fees did rise to £9.50 per court per hour (pc/ph) on the 1 Oct 23. Previously off peak was billed at £8.40 pc/ph and peak were £9.50. The Dunstable Centre, agreed to freeze this price from March to September only. Silsoe Community Sports Centre charge £11.25. Both centres will review their court fees in April 2024. Therefor the annual club membership fee is to be £12pp/pa with Subs to be £4 for less than 2 hours and £5 for 2 hours.
Everyone in agreeance for Annual membership Fee of £12
Concerns around cost of courts rising. Trudie explained that we may need another meeting between now and March if rates rise considerably.
Discussion around pro-rata. Current system means everyone pays £12 at any point of the year. Several people disagree with this system.
11 votes to keep £12
2 votes to reduce this after 6 months
Final Vote: If you pay £12 membership after January/February 2024 you get a free session.
Everyone in agreeance of session fees/subs of £4 under 2hrs and £5 over 2hrs.
All attendees in Favor Yes/No. Against Yes/No.
Proposer…Rex ELLIS… Seconded by……Liz Jones……
(TE) All additional committee member titles have been added. None have been rejected. Names have been allocated their positions.
Matin Herbert’s name was missing and has now been added.
Election of committee members
All attendees in Favor Yes/No. Against Yes/No.
Proposer…Rex Ellis.… Seconded by……Julie Jones……..
7. PLANS FOR 2023/24 (TE)
Re-enforced the message of “BALL or BALL ON COURT” STOP play straight away if a ball from another court enters your playing surface. The point is replayed following this “hinder call”. Likewise, if a ball is hit into another court, players should immediately yell “BALL or BALL ON COURT” to warn those players and indicate who that ball should be returned to. DO NOT follow a ball onto another court to return it or retrieve it until the play on that court has ceased.” Do not kick the ball. Pick the ball up, look to see who wants it, then return it by rolling/throwing – whichever you choose, it must be in a controlled manner.
The Clubs will run in the following manner over the next 12 months:
Liz Jones has suggested going for a meal for the 1st Anniversary and for the End of Summer party being the ‘proper’ event where people can play Pickleball.
Fundraising committee must be set up. Plans must be made as to what funds are being raised and how they are to be spent. Trudie Ellis would like The Hunters to consider the club fundraising and helping people with funding their personal competition costs. This is something members are willing to adopt if the funds are there.
All attendees in Favor Yes/No. Against Yes/No.
Proposer…Trudie Ellis… Seconded by……Toni Boyer……..
We first had our Saturday session at these times and struggled to get members interested, therefore we changed the time to the current time. We are now getting 25 – 30 members playing at this time.
We also set up a Monday session 10-12 noon for Members luckily enough to have that availability to play at this time of day.
Conclusion – Saturdays will stay at the same time. Members who want a later start are encouraged to play on Mondays, when available.
Rex responded 80%.
It is very difficult to ensure we only give an introduction session to people who want to join our club. They are free to go where they want. As we charge £10 per person, we will cover our costs.
Rex Ellis has explained that whilst the club is and has always been open to children, there is not as much interest for children. Rex Ellis and Trudie Ellis explained that they tried to advertise to children and appeal to them in schools. Children can still come along for training on a Saturday. Special paddles are available for under 10s. Children still need introduction to Pickleball and will also still need to pay the £12 membership.
Yes, plus biscuits.
Play must stop and the ball must be picked up. Balls should not be kicked.
A policy was produced by Rex Ellis to Pickleball England with suggestions on what could work for other players with mobility issues that are not wheelchair users. Sashes are being produced to let other players know about adaptive pickleball rules. This will be trailed for 3 months at the Hunters.
Players are encouraged to use sign language if they know it, but to ensure they are still mouthing the words used so that players can lipread too.
If a net is not up, put it up. It is being noticed that people are turning up later and leaving earlier to avoid putting the effort in. Nobody is paid for this and it is everyone’s job.
Reminder of Secret Santa £5 limit. Sit wherever, no table plan. Be prompt.
9) Meeting closed at 20:55
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